Meet the Governors

Julie Maybrick, Chair of Governors, writes: 

Governors are all volunteers, and we give our time because we care about the school and the community. We have a wide range of skills, backgrounds, and interests. 

I have been a Governor at Perryfields Junior School since 2006. I live in Springfield and have a long association with school going back to 1981. My children went to Perryfields and I worked there as the School Secretary and then as the Bursar from 1989 until 2006. Both my daughters are teachers, I have six grandchildren, 4 in Primary Education and am passionate about ensuring the best possible school experience for all our pupils. 

Who are the governors?

We have 9 governors. We are either elected or appointed from four distinct groups: Headteacher; Staff; Appointed; Local Authority; and Parents. 

Headteacher: Jane Hasler

Staff: Louise Howlett and Kirsty Boyle

Community: Julie Maybrick, Richard Whitten, Bruce Verspeak and John Nicholas.

Parents: Joanna Clarke, Elsa Ranjith and Bhashkaran Govender.

What do we do?

We make decisions that help the school to provide the best possible education, in a safe and welcoming environment and prepare the children for their transition through senior school and life in general.

Monthly governing body meetings and targeted governor visits to school help us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the school. This enables us to make the right decisions and offer advice to the school in its determination to achieve the highest results possible. To do this we ensure we recruit the most able staff and ensure governors are equipped with the skills to monitor and evaluate the school performance. Governor training is very much encouraged and readily available.

We work to a budget and it is our job to ensure we get “Value for Money” in everything we do or spend. 

How are we organised?

All governors are members of the Full Governing Body, the Finance Personnel and Premises Committee, and the Curriculum and Learning Committee. In addition to six meetings per academic year, governors, together with all staff, attend a School Improvement Plan meeting annually where the school's vision is reviewed and challenging objectives set for the following year. 

We have governors who take the lead role for Safeguarding Children, Pupil Achievement, Curriculum, Finance, Personnel, Premises, Communications and Governance. At our meetings we review all school policies as required by statute. 

If you wish to contact the Governing Body, please do so via the School Office.

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