
Perryfields Junior School Homework

Homework is a brilliant opportunity for children to consolidate their learning; therefore at Perryfields, children complete weekly maths and English tasks.

  • Reading - children are expected to read their reading scheme book at least 4 times a week - this should be recorded by an adult in their reading diary
  •  Spellings - weekly spellings are set after a spelling lesson. Children can learn these in an interactive way using Spelling Shed
  •  Times tables - children should practise these regularly at home to become fluent. Children may also want to use Times Tables Rockstars
  •  Maths - one piece of maths homework linked to the week's learning will be set each week. Years 3 -5 set homework on MyMaths

Nando's Take Away Homework (optional)

At Perryfields we have developed a homework menu which encourages children to become independent learners and take responsibility for choosing their own homework. 
Year 3 - 5 are set Nando's homework every half-term. This homework is designed to enrich pupils' knowledge and understanding of the topics they are covering in class. 
Pupils can choose any homework they wish. The Peri-ometer suggests the difficulty or challenge the homework may offer. Every term pupils are encouraged to attempt at least one ‘EXTRA HOT’ task! At Perryfields we have developed a homework menu which encourages children to become independent learners and take responsibility for choosing their own homework. 
Please visit your child's classroom page to view the most current Nando's homework