Dahl 2023 - 2024

Mr Curtis


Welcome to Dahl Class Page. I hope you find this page useful. Dahl Class is led by Mr Curtis and supported by Mrs Geogre. This half-term, our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays but all children should have their kits in school with them all week.

Year 5 children are set for English and Maths. These sets are taught by the Year 5 teachers (Mr Curtis and Mr Robertson).

Homework is set on a Tuesday and is due the following Tuesday. Homework is an important way for children to embed the learning they have been undertaking in class. Spellings are set weekly on Spelling Shed and maths homework is set weekly on MyMaths.

We have lots of learning planned for Spring Term 2 - please see our topic lists below. You will also find our current knowledge organisers as downloadable links.

Science: Animals Including Humas 

History: The Victorians 

PE: Rounders and Athletics 

Computing:  Stop Motion

RE: Christianity and Islam

Music: Music Technology

French: Time and School Subjects 

PHSE: Health and Wellbeing

Art: Sculptures 

Please keep your eyes peeled with latest updates on our class blog tab. 



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Mr Curtis Mrs George

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