Wonderful Walliams 17.11.23

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 4:05pm

What a busy week! 

This week has been crazy! We have had so many fun activities throughout the week it has been difficult keeping track! 

We started the week by testing and analysing different wire loop games. We rated lots of different factors about the game as well at playing them. 

On Wednesday, we had a public speaking workshop and we worked on projecting our voice and using gestures when speaking to an audience. You were all extremely brave and resilient well done. 

We also visited Year 3 for their Enterprise Day all about the Stone Age. They taught us lots about what life was like and how they survived without the technology that we have today. 

Well done to our Pupil of the Week Buster! 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Canty :)