Lewis Class 01.12.2023
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 7:53pm
Yet another excellent week in Lewis Class! I cannot believe the children have already nearly completed their first term in Year 4! I am extremely proud of every child in Lewis Class with how well they are getting on in Year 4 and the determination and perseverance they have shown in their learning.
In English, the children continued their unit of Iron Man where they wrote a diary from the perspective of Hogarth when he meets Iron Man. All of the children worked extremely hard to follow and include the ‘steps of success’ in their writing.
In Science this week, the children looked at the features of building simple circuits and how to draw them pictorially and using scientific diagrams. The children all showed their knowledge of what we had already looked at and were able to create the circuits independently. All of the children also experimented with what would happen if more batteries were added to the circuit and how to create circuits using motors and buzzers.
The children have also continued practising ready for their Christmas Service. This year, we have decided to share Christmas Traditions from around the world and we have tried to incorporate the children’s own traditions into the performance. It was clear to see how hard the children had been working on learning their lines and the songs! They can’t wait to show you!
Well done to our ‘Pupil of the Week’ Mahroush for her effort and determination in every single lesson including maths where she challenges herself to reach the challenging reasoning and problem solving questions every lesson– keep up the amazing work Mahroush!
Have a brilliant weekend!
Miss Kingston :)